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With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE17 ENV/GR/000215 and  the co-financing of Green Fund, Greece

Adaptive Traffic Management Pre-Feasibility Study in Tallinn

Searching for ways to improve urban mobility by reducing congestion, CO2 emissions and the number of accidents is a common challenge to all major cities in Europe.

The recent emergence of the concept of 'Smart Cities' is thought to address these challenges. One of the key areas in the development of Smart Cities is transportation, where cities can implement various systems and services for better mobility for their residents.

The City of Tallinn has been involved with INTERREG BSR project HUPMOBILE, which has a holistic approach to planning, implementation, optimisation, and management of integrated, sustainable mobility solutions that will be developed in Baltic Sea port cities. In this project, ITL DIGITAL LAB and the City of Tallinn will focus on matching the public sector challenges with research-based private sector competencies in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS).

At the end of 2020, the City of Tallinn announced a Call for Tender of “Adaptive traffic management pre-feasibility study in City of Tallinn” and successfully awarded the consortium CIVITTA Eesti AS & STRATUM OÜ as a winner. The pre-feasibility study will be looking into how to implement adaptive traffic management in Tallinn - it has a significant potential (estimated 5-15%) to make traffic smoother via increased flows, and thus significantly reduce congestion.

The study will be investigating various adaptive traffic management market solutions in EU cities, analyse investment and running costs, map potential corridors and needed data layers, and also analyse integration with new technologies and transport modes. The pre-feasibility study will be merged with a mini-pilot, to test and validate technologies in a real traffic situation. Finally, the study will be proposing template ToRs for the City of Tallinn to gradually start switching from static traffic management systems to adaptive traffic management or show a rational reason why it is not feasible to implement it.

The experience will be shared with “Follower City” – City of Tartu (the 2nd biggest city in Estonia), as both cities are facing similar mobility issues and the interest of the upcoming results are great from both sides. Furthermore, we would like to invite cities interested in adaptive traffic management to follow the study and benefit from the results. The results of  the pre-feasibility study together with mini-pilot will be published mid-September 2021 and shared with all interested cities.


Source: Eltis

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