With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE17 ENV/GR/000215 and the co-financing of Green Fund, Greece
Project-level Indicators
KPI: 1.5. Project area/length
The project area includes Czech Republic, Greece and Italy. The indicator selected was Area of environmental/climate implementation actions and the activities included was the freight transportation of the participating company. In Italy, ITACA’s demonstrator performs logistics operations in the area of Cosenza. According to Wikipedia, the province of Cosenza covers 6,710 km2. In Czech Republic, CEDA’s demonstrator performs logistics operations in the greater area of Czech Republic. According to Wikipedia, the area of Czech Republic covers 78,866 km2. Due to the wide range of logistics activities of CEDA’s demonstrator it is assumed that at least half of Czech Republic’s extent is influenced by the project actions, i.e. 39,433 km2. In Greece, all Greek operators perform logistics operations in the area of Region of Attica. ATHINAIKI, also performs logistics operations in Thessaloniki, Larissa, Lamia, Patra, Ioannina and Rhodes and DIGICOM also in the region of central Macedonia, the region of eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Volos and Crete. The total extent of the Greek areas influenced by the project activities covers 68,791 km2.The total spatial extent of the project expected to be directly influenced by the project actions covers 114,934 km2. Note that this value is valid both for the end of the project and 3 years after the end of the project assuming that, the new customer of GYR service will run their business at the same regions where the existing customer run their own business. No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 1.6. Humans (to be) influenced by the project
a) Persons whose lives were directly, positively impacted by MAIN envir. actions of project. This descriptor is assessed through the inhabitants of the areas where the project is implemented.
The residents living in the project area in which the pressures (in this case the air pollution) are to be partially reduced are 11,172,143 inhabitants located in 11 regions of Greece, in Czech Republic and in 3 region in Italy. This value is not expected to differentiate significantly 3 years after the end of the project as the population will be similar.
b) Persons with improved capacity or knowledge due to project actions. This descriptor is assessed through the persons participating to workshops and webinars and they were explained that adopting a green logistics technologies such as LIFE GreenYourRoute platform does not only improves the environmental impact of their operations but at the same time results in important cost saving (i.e. fewer kilometers travelled and faster deliveries).
This descriptor included 232 persons.
We estimate that 3 years after the end of the project additional 60 persons (i.e. 20 per year) will get involved into the after the end of the project activities (i.e. webinars organized by GYR Company for 3LP companies in order to train new users on how to use GYR service).
The value of the indicator Beyond 3 year is equal to 292 individuals.
c) Persons who may have been influenced via dissemination or awareness raising project-actions (reaching). This descriptor is assessed through the persons participating to bilateral meetings between an SME and GYR team resulting in some cases the purchase of GYR service by the SME and persons participating to events. This indicator included 508 persons.
We estimate that 3 years after the end of the project additional 150 persons (i.e. 50 per year) will get involved into the after the end of the project activities (i.e. promotional events of GYR service, conference and workshops participation etc.). The value of the indicator Beyond 3 year is equal to 658 individuals.
d) Persons who changed their behaviour or practices due to the project actions. This descriptor is assessed through the persons adopting Green Procurement rules within GYR Consortium and trained on how to use GYR apps. The total number of persons is equal to 238. Based on the business plan, 63 SMEs will become customer of GYR service 3 year after the end of the project. In the frame of the project, 8 SMEs are customers of GYR service influencing the behaviour of 179 persons (22 persons per entity). In case 63 SMEs become customers of GYR service, we estimate the persons which will change their behavior (i.e. their daily routing planning approach) by adopting GYR service are expected to be 1386.
In total, the value of this descriptor 3 years after the end of the project is equal to 1624.
No value for the above indicators was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 6.1. Air emissions (non-GHG emissions) and KPI 8.1. Greenhouse gas emissions
According to the calculations performed during the assessment of CP1.1 (i.e. 1st Check Point of the C1 Action) and CP1.2 (i.e. 2nd Check Point of the C1 Action) under the frame of Action C1, the produced non-GHG emissions from the project demonstration of the 17 months are presented in the following table.
The values for the period 3 years after the end of the project will remain the same as the current users of the GYR service they have signed a 3 year contract with GYR service.
According to the calculations performed during the assessment of CP1.1 and CP1.2 under the frame of Action C1, the produced GHG emissions from the project demonstration of 17 months are presented in the following table.
In the frame of this indicator, additional sub-indicators for GHG emission are estimated. These indicators referred to CO2 kg/km per kg transported by a vehicle and to CH4 and N2O kg/km per kg transported. The tables below present the values of these indicators.
Similar to KPI 6.1. the values for the period 3 years after the end of the project will remain the same as the current users of the GYR service they have signed a 3 year contract with GYR service.
The percentage achievement comparing the impact foreseen and the impact achieved per year is presented in the following table:
The goal concerning the NOx saved (tns/year) was achieved with a percentage equals to 111.03%. Additionally, 62% of the goal for CO2 was achieved. The goal for CO and VOC emitted were achieved by 23.44% and 21.52% respectively and the goal for PM by 13.99%. Finally, only a small percentage of the goal for CH4, NH3 and SO2 was achieved (i.e. 2.26%, 2.21% and 1.39% respectively). We have to notice that the impact associated with the fuel consumed and the N2O emitted was not foreseen in the frame of the project and for this reason there is not comparison between the fuel consumed and N2O emitted using GYR service and using the simulation tool.
Note the justification of the above deviation is presented in section 6.3 below.
KPI: 10.2. Involvement of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other stakeholders in project activities
Public body/bodies
The coordinator of the project Dr. Georgios K.D. Saharidis during the implementation of GYR project became an external advisor member of the national (i.e. Greece) board of logistics and supply chain. His involvement to the board was important as it was assigned to him the responsibility to prepare and present to the relevant stakeholders a report about the legislation of green logistics in Greece. The report was communicated to the board of the parliament responsible to prepare the new law for the logistics.
The value at the end of the project of this indicator is equal to 1 and 3 years after the end of the project it continues to be equal to 1 as Dr. Saharidis will continue to be member of the board.
Private for profit
The last 7 months of the real life practice, the 3 new customers of GYR service which purchased the service after the end of the project for a period of 3 years, were gotten involved into the development of the final (current) version of the GYR web and mobile apps. The technical team of GYR project, in collaboration with the technical team of the new customers as well as the new users of GYR service worked together for 7 months in order to introduce additional functionalities into the final version of the apps. The value of this indicator at the end of the project is equal to 3. After the end of the project, it will continue to be equal to 3 as the project activities were ended.
No value for the above indicators was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 11.1. Website (mandatory)
The number of total unique visits of the website is equal to 4,365. Our estimation 3 years after the end of the project of the unique visits is estimated to 3924.
The unique visits foreseen based on “LIFE Performance indicators Call 2017.xls” was 4,200 and for the period 3 years after the end of the project was additional 1,800 unique visits. The first value of the indicator (unique visits until the end of the project) is satisfies as GYR website has 4,365 unique visits. The unique visits for the period of 3 years after the end of the project we estimate that it will be equal to 3,924 and it will be easily achieved as new customers will purchase GYR service and several dissemination activities will be implemented to increase the market chare of GYR company.
KPI: 11.2. Other tools for reaching/raising awareness of the general public
a) Number of discrete Project Reports drafted
The total number of reports drafted is equal to 31 including, monthly reports, trimester reports, progress report, mid-term report, final report and Laymans report.
There is not deviation for this indicator.
b) Number of different publications made (Journal/conference)
Three publications have been made in the frame of 3 national conferences (i.e. ESCC 2020, ESCC 2021 and ESCC 2022). Three years after the end of the project, we estimate that 3 additional publication will be made in the frame of 3 international conferences (e.g. ESCC 2024, 2025, 2026).
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
c) Other distinct media products created
In total 5 promotional videos have been produced. Additionally, in total 11 newsletters, have been produced and disseminated. The total people reached are 3,041.
Finally, 4 unique leaflets (Greek, English, Italian, Czech version) and one promotional package including mousepads, note pads etc. have been created during the project.
3 years after the end of the project 3 additional promotional video and 3 additional newsletter will be created.
There is not deviation for this indicator.
d) Number of Hotline/information centres created
An online helpdesk has been created in the frame of the official website of the project.
There is not deviation for this indicator.
e) Number of events/exhibitions organised
In the frame of the project 7 workshops have been organized, 3 workshops in Greece, 3 workshops in Czech Republic and 1 workshop in Italy. Additionally, UTH co-organizes with other international universities in a yearly base the International Conference of Energy, Sustainability and Climate Crisis. For the year 2020, 2021 and 2022, the conference was dedicated to LIFE GYR project. In total, 10 events have been organized in the frame of the project.
After the end of the project, at least every year special sessions and round tables dedicated to the objectives of LIFE GYR project discussing the after-life activities and results will be organized in the frame of the next yearly ESCC conferences.
The initial foreseen number of events (i.e. workshops) was equal to 9 in total, which corresponds to 3 events per country of demonstration (i.e. Czech Republic, Greece, Italy). The workshops in Czech Republic and in Greece were organized as they were initial foreseen. The main deviation concerning the organization of events is the organization of workshops in Italy, where only one workshop has been organized.
f) Number of different displayed information created (posters, information boards)
Displayed information (poster, information boards): 8 notice boards have been produced which were installed at each beneficiary's facilities and 40 posters were distributed among project beneficiaries to be used in conferences participation, workshops, etc.
In total, 48 different displayed information were created.
There is not deviation for this indicator
KPI: 12.1. Networking (mandatory)
LIFE GYR project has engaged in networking with 5 projects a) ALICE, b) GRAGE, c) GREENOMED, d) RE-SOURCE, e) LIFE for Silver Coast project. 3 years after the end of the project, it is expected that networking activities will be implemented with at least one project per year.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 12.2. Professional training or education
Professionals - experts in the field
In the frame of the project, GYR team (i.e. UTH, MILITOS, CEDA and ITACA) trained one by one or in small groups of 4-5 persons the drivers using the mobile app. In total, 149 downloads (18 downloads per organization) of GYR mobile app were reached, resulting in the training of 149 users. Additionally, GYR team trained one by one or in small groups of 2-3 persons the users of the web application. On average 5.5 individuals per organization were trained on how to use the web application in order to create a daily green routing plan. In total, 44 individuals were trained on the use of the web application. Summarizing, at the end of the project, 193 logistics experts were trained on how to use GYR service.
Three years after the end of the project and based on the business plan, 63 new customer will purchase the GYR service resulting 1134 (i.e. 18*63) new trained users of the mobile application and 346 (i.e. 5.5*63) new trained users of the web application. Summarizing, three years after the end of the project the users trained will be equal to 1673.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 13. Jobs
The total hours of additional staff generated in the frame of project is equal to 37,577.51 which corresponds to 21.84FTE. After the end of the project 4 FTE are estimated that will be necessary for the GYR company.
The foreseen total FTE was equal to 17.2 FTE. The final total number of FTE is 27% higher than the one foreseen i.e. 21.84 FTE.
KPI: 14.1. Running cost/operating costs during the project and expected in case of continuation/replication/transfer after the project period
The running costs of the project are equal to €2.231.219,14. The Running cost/operating costs expected in case of continuation/replication/transfer after the project period is equal to 1,631,000 EUR.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 14.2.1. Capital expenditure expected in case of continuation/replication/transfer after the project period
The Capital expenditure expected in case of continuation/replication/transfer after the project period is equal to 53,000 EUR.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 14.2.2. Operating expenses expected in case of continuation/replication/transfer after the project period
The operating expenses expected in case of continuation/replication/transfer after the project period is equal to 1,631,000 EUR.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 14.2.3. Revenue expected in case of continuation/ replication/transfer after the project end
The revenue expected in case of continuation/ replication/transfer after the project end is equal to 1,920,000 EUR which is based on assumed 131 customers at the end of year 3 with average vehicle fleets and charges per vehicle and month.
The revenue expected after the end of the project have been estimated equal to 459,540 EUR.
14.2.4. Cost reduction expected in case of continuation/ replication/transfer after the project end
Based on the submitted business plan, there is no cost reduction of operating expenses. In fact they will increase with the increased business and net sales. they will decline as a % of top line, but increase absolutely.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 14.3. Future funding
The future funding could not be estimate at this time.
No value for this indicator was foreseen in the beginning of the project.
KPI: 14.4.1. Entry into new entities/projects
GYR service was replicated in the frame of the project to 3 new customers (i.e. DIGICOM, YOUTRADESMART, DASCO S.A.). These customers finally decided to purchase the GYR service and signed contracts.
GYR service continues to be used use by the demonstrators (i.e. ATHINAKI, PLUS, KOUKOUZELIS, GLS Company via CEDA, DS Logistic s.r.o. via ITACA) of the project for a period of at least 3 years. Contracts were signed between the GYR Company and these companies for the continued use of the GYR service. Additionally, GYR service continues to be used by the three new customers of GYR Company found in the frame of the project. The new customers (i.e. DIGICOM, YOUTRADESMART, DASCO S.A.) will continue using the GYR service. Contracts were signed between the GYR Company and with these 3 companies for the continued use of the GYR service.
For this indicator the value of 8 entities was foreseen.