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With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE17 ENV/GR/000215 and  the co-financing of Green Fund, Greece

Relaunch of the Road Safety Charter

The European Road Safety Charter, led by the European Commission, has now been relaunched. The Charter is a vital element in European efforts to wake people up to the importance of road safety. It offers a fantastic, 3,500-strong network, and mobilises public and private entities as well as civil society in all EU countries and beyond.

The Charter aims to:

  • encourage and support European associations, schools, universities, companies of all types and sizes, and local authorities to take actions for road safety in Europe;

  • acknowledge contributions by civil society to road safety;

  • facilitate civil society members in acquiring and sharing knowledge on road safety issues in the European Union; and

  • facilitate true dialogue for the transfer of road safety experiences and practices at all levels of governance in the European Union.

The Charter has been around since 2004 and, although not as active as it would have liked recently, this year sees the relaunch with the appointment of Ricardo.

The aim is to build an even greater presence and awareness of the Charter right across Europe, and to support more cooperation and inspiration so that together it can take some big steps towards the European target of a 50% reduction in deaths and serious injuries by 2030, and no fatalities and serious injuries on EU roads by 2050.

The Charter’s already diverse community of members is made up of companies, associations, local authorities, research institutions, universities and schools. All committed entities are given genuine recognition and can use the website as a platform to share their expertise and actions, enabling others to learn and become inspired.

The relaunched European Road Safety Charter wants to build a stronger presence at national level and increase awareness among different types of organisations and entities (such as the motor industry, research institutes, the education sector and non-governmental organisations).

Whether your organisation already has solid experience or is only just starting up a road safety programme, the European Road Safety Charter is open for you to join and contribute to reduce road casualties – making European roads a safer space.

Reach out to organisations that you think could get involved, and form alliances at home and abroad with those with shared interests. Your actions, your monitoring of progress and your voluntary commitments to boost road safety are fundamental to achieving Vision Zero in Europe. 

Source: Eltis

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