With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE17 ENV/GR/000215 and the co-financing of Green Fund, Greece
Province of Noord-Holland goes for Zero-Emission Buses
Greening public transport has taken a further step in the Netherlands: The Province of Noord-Holland has launched the country’s first zero-emission bus concession in the Region Gooi en Vechtstreek, south-west of the Dutch Capital. All combustion engine buses in the region will be replaced by 61 electric ones during 2022.
The buses aim for a range of up to 500 km on one charge. They are designed to work with overnight charging in the depot. Consequently, charging infrastructure is being built at 4 locations in the region, but namely Hilversum and Huizen.
Public transport operator Transdev expects to run the entire bus fleet in the Province of Noord-Holland emission-free by 2022. Concessions for the other two regions where the Province of Noord-Holland has responsibility for the bus transport run until 2027 and 2028. However, the regions and Transdev have already drawn up a transition plan to make transport more sustainable in the longer run.
Source: Eltis